Nov 12, 2009


The prez is looking for an answer to the job problem. I have some ideas.

-Green infrastructure: we were hoping that most of the stimulus $ would go to expanding our large scale renewable energy production as well as electrical grid upgrades, expansion and monitoring. Stop exporting our energy $'s while creating jobs. Also laying tracks and building byways for mass transit, bicycles and peds - close some downtowns to cars. Of course requirements for local governments to increase their renewable percentages creates jobs as well.

-If we would have allowed GM to fail we could have bid out the plants to smaller, more aggressive companies making cleaner, even electric vehicles and rehiring the GM employees en masse.

-Scale back for government employees. 4 day work weeks and shorter days to save money and preserve those jobs.

-Allow people who cannot find a job to volunteer for charities and other community projects and services in exchange for food stamps, family tax credits and government (minimum) family health insurance.

-Provide a public health option so that businesses can afford to keep employees working

gotta go, more later

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