Sep 19, 2009

Health Care Reform

Health care reform battle:
Wow, I see the protests and can't figure out what they're for ... I mean against.
-Socialism: It's a big word that sounds bad. Of course our government is very much socialist already. Would the anti-socialist people support having a privatised firefighters, police force, state colleges, or national defense? If you like those things the way they are -- you might be a socialist.
-Medicare: Sounds like the govt. does an OK job with that.
-Single-payer: Works great in every other country. It's not like we're breaking new ground.
-Cost: I read that the average person in this country pays 13k annually toward healthcare. Most people pay 4k and their employer pays the balance. Even if taxes went up, businesses and citizens would both come out ahead.
-Remind me what are the other anti-reform issues are.

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