I'm a fan. Please stop the Tar Sands pipeline, it's not worth it. Just learned about it getting the go-ahead. I think we've crossed a line here.
Switching Us to green energy is a great distracter, something the country can get behind. In your wake, you would leave a more secure, more independent, stronger economy with healthier citizens while depowering corporations that do not have our best interests in mind. It's a win win.
The wrecked forests, the birds, the US auquifer, Canadian and US health threat, the probable pipeline ruptures, are a minor issue to me. It is the measurable climate impact that this one project represents that concerns me
Tar sand production makes 3x more gw pollution than regular crude.
You recently allowed new offshore Arctic drilling. Drillers can't contain a spill in a calm Gulf. Add in ice bergs and real weather. It's not what's best for America or your historical reflection.
"Earlier this year he opened up a vast swath of Wyoming to new coal mining. And he barely offered even lip service in support of the climate bill that foundered in the Senate; in the words of the widely-respected climate blogger Joe Romm, "Obama's overall record on energy and the environment deserves an F. Fundamentally, he let die our best chance to preserve a liveable climate and restore US leadership in clean energy -- without a serious fight.""http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-mckibben/new-pipeline-to-challenge_b_918526.html
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