Feb 21, 2011

New Fitness Equipment

I invent things and enhance designs to make products more efficient and fun. I am starting to go through my database of ideas and push them out. They don't do anyone any good locked up.

My gym raised the rates. I looked around and decided it wasn't a very healthy place to work out anymore. There were more TV's than before (LED TV's aren't so bad) but what was with the treadmills that plug in? Shouldn't they be generating electricity? That would be fun to make juice while working out.

This is an email I just sent to a fitness machine company:
Please forward this email to your product design or engineering
department head ...

It's time Life Fitness started making the next generation of
treadmills, Lifecycles, stairclimbers, etc.. More and more customers
want a treadmill that puts back electricity instead of consuming it.
The design would be cheaper to build then the electric driven ones and
Life Fitness would also benefit economically and public relations-wise
by hopping on the Great Green Wave.

Gym (and home) treadmill users could finally use a machine that gives
back and keeps satisfying stats of the members output.Forget miles and
kms, "I ran a 850 watts today!" The design monitors the machines
output. The electricity goes back into the wall to be used elsewhere
in the gym. The gym ends up with happier (and cooler) members, a
lower energy bill and lower maintenance machines.

What do I want? My personal agenda is arbitrary protection of future
generations. But the idea is yours to take and run with. I do have a
design for the new treadmills and stair machines ... if you're

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